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This New Year, resolve to protect your home from weather assaults, by making the smart choice of a top quality exterior paint.
We all build our dream homes with utmost care and a vision to spend the rest of our lives in the most secure environment, but we often forget that this safe abode needs its share of protection too. Over a period of time our homes deteriorating, especially home exteriors that are exposed to hostile weather changes day in and day out. The weather elements like sun, rain, dirt and dust cause damage to home exteriors, making it look dull and worn out.
This New Year, resolve to protect your home from weather assaults, by making the smart choice of a top quality exterior paint. Exterior paint technology has vastly improved in the recent times. A good quality paint has in-built technologies that help repel water, reflect heat, fight against fungus formation and protect from hair-line cracks. Opting for a high quality exterior paint not only helps you keep your dream home protected for longer but it’s economics also works out better. The premium range of exterior paints offered by Dulux Weathershield is a great option to consider, ensuring that your home exteriors remain protected for upto 10 years, translating into better bang for your buck. If you choose to paint an average Indian bunglow occupying 2000 sqft with any of the offerings from Dulux Weathershield, the cost of preserving your home turns out to be as low as Rs 5 per day, before you’d need to go for your next round of refresh. Isn’t that a small price to pay for your most prized possession?
The top end variant offered by Dulux Weathershield called Powerflexx is powered by unique Rainproof technology that works on a dual layer system within a single coat to give your home ultimate protection up to 10 years. The inner flexible layer stretches up to 7 times more than ordinary exterior paint offering your home exteriors superior resistance from rain and crack formation. The outer layer is a strong film that provides unparalleled protection from weather elements like sun, dirt, dust and alkaline attack. The benefit of opting for an ultra-premium high performance paint like Weathershield Powerflexx, significantly outweighs the added investment, considering the expense involved in repairs once the damage is done.
While the choice of brand is crucial, the right timing can also go a long way in optimizing your investment. The earlier in the year you invest in refurbishing your home exteriors with a fresh coat of paint, the better it is protected from extreme heat in summers and assault of rains during monsoons. All you need to do is opt for a paint with all the latest technologies to keep your home protected for longer. So this new year, ring in a home that’s protected and secure for years to come.
Make the best choice of paint for your home this new year • External temperature changes may result in cracks on the exterior walls of your home. Protect your home by using a paint that comes with Crack-proof technology which expands and contracts to cover fine cracks and protects your home from formation of ugly fungal patches • It is imperative that you scrape off the fungal patches, if any, on the exterior walls of your home and get them treated before you start applying fresh paint. In such a case, it will be better to choose a high quality paint which keeps your home safe by guarding it from algal and fungal attacks • For homes that are exposed to extreme sunlight all year round, a paint with reflective properties will be a boon as it will keep the surface cooler and provide protection from the harmful effects of the sun like cracking, peeling and fading • In coastal areas, your home is exposed to salts in the air and soil which leads to the formation of bubbles on the surface of the walls. To prevent that from happening, you need to go for a paint with alkali resistance.