How to Design a Home-Office for Better Productivity

While comfort is the first factor that comes to our mind when we think about working from home, experts opine that the casual vibe of the home-office setting can adversely affect productivity.


People who spend hours in an office often dream of working from home. Working from home means less noise and fewer disruptions associated with the office environment, no commute time, and less time spent getting ready for the day ahead. The result – better productivity.

Additionally, working from home brings you the freedom to personalize your surroundings, which means you can create the space you feel is most suitable for your work.


While comfort is the first factor that comes to our mind when we think about working from home, experts opine that the casual vibe of the home-office setting can adversely affect productivity. If the setting of your home office is too casual, or isn't effectively separated from the home environment, productivity may be hampered.


Here is a home office design guide to set-up your office at home for enhanced productivity:


Make way for natural lighting


Natural light has an energizing impact on your mental wellbeing. So, try to set-up your workspace in a room with a window. If there’s an opportunity to change a light fixture in your home office, try to replace it with the one that offers cool light and reduces glare.


Choose office-friendly furniture


Here is an important element to consider seriously when you are laying out the design of your home office. The furniture you are choosing can affect your attitude towards work. Make sure you have a comfortable chair in your home office to maintain a steady pace of work. You can also try standing desks as they are proved beneficial for keeping your energy high.


Create a space with positive vibes


Separating your workspace from your bedroom is the first rule of thumb. Choose an otherwise bland room and turn it into space where you would love to work without feeling stressed. Art increases productivity and inspires you to think creatively. DIY wall arts, desk accessories with minimalist rugs or carpets, make your workspace feel more comfortable to spend time in. Paint this space in shades of blues and greens for a touch of calmness.


Bring home some green


An important addition to your home office, indoor plants can have a positive impact on your work life. Some plants can maintain healthy air quality in your home-office. If you can incorporate a desk or floor plant to your home office design layout it will add a breath of fresh air to your workspace. This way you create some visual variety when your eyes need a break from your computer screen.


Try some fragrance


A good scent can make a lot of difference. Beyond adding a pleasant smell to your workspace, fragrances can help you concentrate and boost your energy. There are plenty of essential oils that have a positive impact on your mind. For example, peppermint apparently boosts your energy. There are other fragrances like sweet orange that may help you to deal with anxiety.


All said and done, it is important to mention that the home-office design requirements can vary from person to person. There is no one-size-fits-all scheme in designing your workspace. There are times when you might have to take some hard decisions while setting up your workspace at home, for example getting rid of those old chairs or a table from your childhood study room. Decisions like this are hard to take but they can lead to great rewards in your work life. Start planning your home-office design right today for a productive time ahead.

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